Drums of Death @ Playdate, 28 Nov

Shock, horror and make up.

Article by Chris Duncan | 29 Oct 2009

Since 2008 Glasgow’s Colin Bailey has undergone a slow transformation. After releasing his debut EP and touring with Hot Chip and Peaches, his dark sound has consumed him. Performing his infamous live shows, applying his Mexican Day of the Dead make up night after night and brushing the ashes of his old club night Kaput! from his clothes seems to have taken its toll. He may just be in danger of becoming his alter ego Drums of Death.

Armed with a cracked sampler and a dented mic, each night Colin attempts to exorcise his demons via his live performances. His musical upbringing lies in a history of punk and metal bands with the success of his current project seemingly gauged on how fucked up his face paint is at the end of the evening. Expect energetic bass, smashed vocals and terror strobes throughout. [Chris Duncan]

11pm-3am. Also appearing with Fake Blood at HYP? at Sub Club on 30 Oct.
