Comic Book Guy: Millarworld

Blog by Thom Atkinson | 03 Aug 2011

‘Name above the title’ is a status reserved for movie mega-stars and the top directors in the business. Shift that business to the comic book industry and one name above a plethora of titles is Mark Millar, thanks to his ambitious drive, championing of creator-owned titles and their home at Millarworld.

Fans have been enamoured with the titles Mr 'ideas-machine' Millar has produced over the last few years such as Wanted, Superior and the ball-busting Kick-Ass. But as well as his own beavering activities with his creator-owned titles, Millar (like many of the artists he works with) have divided their time between the independent titles and making their own contributions to Marvel's big business.

Millar himself took up duties on the epic arc of Death of Spider-Man, as did his Superior artist Leinil Yu, cutting into their time and resulting in frustrating delays in the release dates of multiple Millarworld titles. But now they are back; in fact, they are all back as a new ramped up release schedule has all the hot titles returning to shelves.

Kick Ass 2 #3 (of 7) recently released an online preview, with the promise that this John Romita Jr. drawn title will resume a regular printing schedule of every six weeks, right up until the final issue. Dave Lizewski is back, and this time he is joining Justice Forever. To find out just who they are, pick up the next issue released 24 Aug.

Of course that isn't the only title fans are baying for, as Superior will return this October and will double ship to pick up the pace of the story, culminating in a double-sized issue in November. After that it’s straight on to the “Oceans 11 meets X-Men” Supercrooks due out January 2012.

Time to get busy, Mr Millar.