Kid Congo and the Pink Monkey Birds - Gorilla Rose

Album Review by David Bowes | 21 Jun 2011
Album title: Gorilla Rose
Artist: Kid Congo and the Pink Monkey Birds
Label: In The Red
Release date: 23 May

Bo Bo Boogaloo is nothing if not a promising start, a vibrant spectacle that shows off a vast knowledge of krautrock and prog-friendly tenets and glues them together with a carnivale sense of spontaneity, but this is the least we could expect of a man whose pedigree extends to Nick Cave and unpredicta-punk upstarts The Cramps. Unfortunately, this is about as good as it gets.

Most of the material suffers from the same set of problems, namely a grating degree of underproduction and riffs that strive towards entrancement but fall tragically short. Every so often there’s something that strikes the right chord, like the buoyant bassline of Bubble Trouble or the striking cinematic vocals of At The Ruin Of Others, coming across like the soundtrack for a particularly racy exploitation flick, but when there’s this heavy a reliance on the same broken tricks it all falls apart with an underwhelming crash.