Poster Boy: A Guide to DIY Decor

Wallpaper, paintbrush, paint, rollers: who needs those? David McGinty presents some carefully-sourced posters to offer you some inspiration for your boudoir/opium den

Feature by David McGinty | 16 Sep 2011

You’ve just moved into your new room at the halls of residence; you’ve waved goodbye to Mum and Dad; lined up your brand new George Foreman grill beside three others in the shared kitchen, and now you’re staring at four blank bedroom walls. The question is, how do you cheaply furnish your new bedroom/gallery space whilst expressing your individuality? Lots of posters, obviously. With the entire student body trawling the city’s numerous poster rails for the image that best represents their unique personality, posters are the perfect conduit through which to distinguish yourself from your new peers, and quickly discern the type of people with whom you wish to spend the next few years. To help you make this distinction, we've searched far and wide [We spent ten minutes in HMV - Ed.] to highlight some archetypal student posters to get you started.

The Pseudo-Rebel: Che Guevara

The classic student poster in all its glory. If you want to appear at all political, without having to involve yourself with much in the way of politics, simply brandishing this image on any item of clothing, flag, banner, or – of course – poster, affords the individual instant revolutionary status. Hang it with a demeanour of superiority and unexplainable smugness for maximum effect. Thankfully, this example even goes as far as to spell out the Argentine political revolutionary’s name for you. 

The Bandwagon Jumper: Back to the Future

It’s great when you discover that you and your new friends down at the union share the same love for a certain film. But isn’t it strange that it’s always the same movies? ‘You love The Goonies? I love The Goonies!’; ‘You love The Big Lebowski? I love The Big Lebowski!’ To be fair, those films are awesome, but choose your film poster wisely, and be prepared to quote from said film extensively over the next few years. The last thing you want is for someone to think you’re faking it. Sure, you weren’t alive when Back to the Future was released, but Urban Outfitters had this on one of their walls beside your new favourite Smiths LP and the plastic camera for which you haven’t been able to find film.

The Lairy Student: Beer

Beer makes up approximately half of the student experience (though this is a fact I have just made up). Without it, half of the terrible decisions you’ll make wouldn’t have been made; half the 10s you hooked up with would be 5s, half of freshers' week would have been 50% less blurry, and a diesel would be a cider and cordial… and who would want that? Hang this one proudly above the shelf, waning under the strain of every beer can you’ve ever drank. 

The Meathead Muso: Guns ‘n’ Roses

Band posters serve a similar purpose as film posters, so, as above, be prepared. Ensure you have your 'favourite band’s' entire back catalogue on your iPod and not just a couple of tracks (or, heaven forbid, their greatest hits collection). This example is of Guns ‘n’ Roses, though the same applies to all bands and artists, from Justin Bieber to Judas Priest. You spent most of your time at high school scribbling this band logo on every square inch of your jotter, textbook, bag, desk, arm, etc. So it might as well adorn your new abode. Hopefully this will keep you from emblazing it onto your skin.


The Arthouse Cinephile: James Dean

You’ve found your new local arthouse cinema, joined the film society, and engaged in a Truffaut vs. Godard argument in the union with the boy or girl you fancy with the scarf and stripey top. But something’s missing. Ah yes, it’s an old black and white poster of your favourite screen idol along with a classic quote extolling the virtues of living your life the way you choose. Inspiring, affirming, and handy since it has his name printed on the bottom. Now you can scorn at anyone who walks into your room and says: "Oh! Nice poster. I love Jude Law!"