Liverpool's Best Date Spots

Dining with a view of the city, Beatles-themed cocktails, good ol' dinner and a movie... whatever your dating needs, Liverpool's got you covered with The Pen Factory, London Carriage Works, the Philharmonic Hall and much more.

Feature by The Skinny North | 07 Feb 2017
The Old Blind School

Whether you're a novice or a well-versed expert in the world of dating, you'll be all too famliar with the pressing question of picking the right spot. If it's a first date and you're trying somewhere new, you may need to consider further locations for dining or drinking, should the night progress; if you're comfortable in a well-established relationship, you may found you've grown tired of your favourite haunts and just need somewhere different. 

Basically, you need to know where to go, especially if you're new to Liverpool. Luckily, the city's far from short of ideal locations for the perfect evening...

First dates

Hey, we getcha: first dates can be nerve-racking affairs, regardless of whether it's a rare Tinder match or (horror of horrors) a blind date set up by a well-meaning yet possibly sadistic friend. That's why you need to pick somewhere comfortable, where the setting is relaxing and calm, rather than busy and likely to transform those nerves into a cold sweat. F'gosh sakes, don't cram yourself into some heaving, beat-pounding fun pub just because your student card gets you discount; keep things simple.

Situated at the Paddy's Wigwam end of Hope Street, the Pen Factory is the ideal first date spot. Large enough to feel spacious, yet small enough for intimacy, it can fill up at the weekends but still provides a gentler, friendlier ambience that's perfect for friendly chatter while sitting opposite someone who still doesn't know your favourite film, and has yet to see the embarrassing, nonsensical guff you'll post on social media at 4am. Hope Street

With a decent menu (including tapas and sharing platters, if you're both feeling adventurous) and bar prices that will make you neither appear a cheapskate, nor sob gently as you hand over your debit card, it's a step above 'too casual' and one below 'ostentatious'. Plus, you're not not short of options to venture elsewhere – bistro and beer specialist The Clove Hitch lies mere metres away, as does the elegant Frederik's bar. In fact, Hope Street is awash with further drinking/dining options; just be sure to know your options in advance – again, you'll want somewhere warm, quiet and friendly.

Alternatively, there's FACT on Wood Street. Primarily a cinema and gallery space, it also hosts an ideally-sized bar – plus three screens of varying levels of intimacy (including the two-seater sofas of 'The Box'). Looking for something to chat about, yet not sure if you're ready to put your meticulous knowledge of obscure European techno/the works of the Brontë sisters/the inner workings of the US Senate out there? Hey, there's a reason that 'dinner and a movie' remains a classic dating trope. Wood Street

Why not begin your evening (or close it, for that matter) with a drink at nearby Leaf on Bold Street? Or enjoy the couple-friendly atmosphere of Lebanese street food restuarant Bakchich? It's an alcohol-free drinks menu, but this is probably a good thing: you almost certainly don't want to end up utterly sloshed by the end of your first meeting.

Where to show off

Presumably you're way beyond the 'first date' stage by this point. If you're looking to make an impression (NB: usually code for 'flash the cash') on a date, then Hope Street's London Carriage Works is the place for you. While it carries a certain reputation for not going wild with portion sizes, and certain reviewers have taken issue with its charges for standard complimentaries, the food is exceptional. Furthermore, the layout provides plenty of space for private conversation – you needn't fear that the person with the furrowed brow on the neighbouring table is tutting at your inability to pronounce the star turns on the wine list. Hope Street

To round out the evening, you could always tie a meal at Carriage Works in with a night at the city's delightful Philharmonic Hall, and if you're really feeling flush, you might consider shelling out for a night at the Hope Street Hotel. Classy AF, we're sure you'll agree.

Dates with a view

One obvious choice springs to mind here: located on the 34th floor of Brook Street's West Tower, slightly north of the Albert Dock, the Panoramic 34 restaurant offers an unrivalled view of the city centre and the Mersey. Pricewise, you may wonder if we should've included this under the 'Where to show off' section above, but if you're just as happy surveying the scene in daylight, we'd suggest a champagne afternoon tea to keep your budget sensible. Otherwise, take in the glittering nighttime skyline while choosing from an interesting menu of European cuisine. It's not quite Manhattan, but it's not bloody bad. Brook Street


Once we're into anniversaries, let's assume you already know how each other feels about a certain popular beat combo. Fab Four nay-sayers, look away now: the Beatles-themed Hard Day's Night Hotel may seem like a gimmicky tourist attraction, but they actually serve a mean cocktail. Revel in the band's hits in one of the hotel's comfortable bars and lounges, knowing you always have the option of a tipsy wander down Mathew Street to giggle at the weird Cilla Black statue outside the Cavern. North John Street

Alternative dates

Well... depends how 'alternative' you wanna get. Why not make yourself feel like Diane Keaton in Manhattan by wandering round the Albert Dock's Tate Liverpool? Spend an afternoon playing Dungeons & Dragons in The Scythe And Teacup gamer cafe? Check out 'erotic climbing wall' Grope Mountain?

There's plenty of weird and wonderful things to do, so get creative. Think outside the box. And if all else fails, just celebrate the perfect date with your true love like a real Scouser: hit the town and grab a Nabzy's on the way home. Now that's romance.