Juliette Burton: When I Grow Up Comedy Review

Live Review by Chris Tapley | 05 Aug 2013
Juliette Burton

When Juliette Burton was a little girl she dreamt she would grow up to be many different things: baker; artist; popstar; princess; muppet. Never a comedian though, so it's fortunate that her solo debut doesn't get hung up on the laughs and excels as a feel-good story.

The powerpoint presentation which guides us through the show is filled with cutesy animations, childhood pictures and video clips of Juliette attempting to realise some of her dream jobs. Those vignettes are often amusing little stunts, like getting a city bus in full princess garb or taking part in a ballet class for toddlers, which do a good job of underlining her dedication. There are also little interviews with friends about what a job means, which develop the show into a coherent narrative despite often feeling like a bit of a clumsy time-filling device.

From the beginning of the show Burton's 'you can achieve any dream if you try' theme is very heavily sign-posted and while it's a hardly a unique message it's also endearingly optimistic, and some of her personal revelations do lend it extra emotional impact. Even when her material isn't all that strong Burton is an engaging presence, who is obviously very invested in her material, and that makes for a gently delightful hour which should rekindle buried ambitions in even the most cynical of audience members. [Chris Tapley]


More on Juliette Burton at Edinburgh Fringe Festival:

'Look at Me' Juliette Burton Fringe show review / Juliette Burton interview for Fringe show 'Look at Me' / Juliette Burton: How to crowdfund a Fringe show / Juliette Burton: The Loveliest Revolution / Mace and Burton at Fringe: Rom Com Con / Fringe review of Rom Com Con by Mace and Burton


Juliette Burton: When I Grow Up, Gilded Balloon Teviot, 5-26 Aug (not 13), 1.15pm, £9 (£8)