Born Again @ Tron Theatre, 2-5 Mar

Flatrate get that old time religion

Article by Gareth K Vile | 15 Feb 2011
Initial Itch

Flatrate are nothing if not inclusive. Not only does their monthly night at The 13th Note invite everyone from poets and musicians to burlesque dancers and politicians. "Everyone who turns up is part of the Flatrate Nation," says Rob Jones. As one of the shadowy cabal behind the company's multi-media assault, and director of their latest play, The Belief Project, Jones has been involved in the company's radio show, performances and also hosts their open night.

In line with Flatrate's ecelectic devising approach, this show includes the presence of a musician, further informing their creative process. "Dol Eoin is an incredible presence as a performer," acknowledges Jones. "The music he makes responds to writer Steve Redman's ideas and Steve has then been responding to the music."

Jones and Redman created a three handed play that looks at the darker side of belief. The plot focuses on "a young couple with big ideas. But then things fall apart somewhat and the recession bites, and they take on an old uni friend who has been having some troubles with substance abuse as a lodger," Jones continues. "They all get lost when they need each other most. It's pretty effing tragic," he laughs. "Holding on too tight to faith dehumanises all the characters in different ways."

Yet the play refuses to draw a definite conclusion about the nature of faith. "Belief is definitely a double edged sword in the play," he explains. "To use a cliche, it's dangerous to hang on to your beliefs when the things around you are what needs seeing to. But at the same time, that belief makes us human.It becomes quite circular and I don't know if I have reached a conclusion about it!"


Tron Theatre, 2-5 Mar, 8pm, £9(£7)