Watch our Future of Theatre livestream

We're hosting a live conversation on the future of theatre following the pandemic – here's how to get involved

Feature by The Skinny | 16 Mar 2021

In conjunction with the first of our series of longreads exploring the arts in 2021, produced with support from Edinburgh International Festival, we're hosting a live discussion on the possible future for theatre following the pandemic. 

Chaired by our Theatre editor Eliza Gearty, Beyond Recovery: The Future for the Theatre? will look at how recovery could offer the opportunity for radical change. We'll be discussing what a post-Covid theatrical landscape could look like, how it could be more accessible than it was before and address the challenges we face as we move towards it. 

The event takes place on Tue 23 Mar at 6pm and it's free to everyone. Sign up here or in the embedded player below; we're also hoping to be able to offer a recording of the event for those of you who can't make it on the night. 

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