Pool Party

Game Review by Josh Wilson | 26 Aug 2008
Pool Party
Game title: Pool Party
Publisher: SouthPeak
Release date: Out now
Price: £29.99

After a degree of success with a similar but smaller game based around billiards in the WiiPlay package, the idea of a dedicated Pool game was not necessarily a bad one. However, the idea of a shoddily put together, painful to play in a kind of 'why on earth would you do it that way!?' way, is.

The characters look terrible, and having a 'so and so is thinking, 47%' every time the computer takes a shot is just silly. Who has percentage-based thought. Oh right, aye, these disembodied badly rendered cretins I'm playing 'pool' with. Not a great way to get you engrossed in the game.

Pool Party falls short on so many fronts it is a travesty. Horrible characters, terrible menus, awful gameplay. Sure, there is a lot of 'game play' (there are tables and cues to unlock! wooo). But how varied can a cue be? And, to be honest, who cares when getting to play the game is as confusing as this.

And why, oh why have an option to play Pool on a yacht? Surely. SURELY. A yacht is a rubbish place to play pool.

There is nothing here, for anyone who isn't some kind of wallet based masochist. And even then, your wallet-masochist friends will think you have gone too far.