Glory Days: A Muso's Guide to Inebriation

Dave Kerr talks to the frontmen from three of Scotland's finest modern rock bands, who recall the inebriated triumphs of their student years

Feature by Dave Kerr | 16 Sep 2011
James Graham

James Graham (The Twilight Sad)  

Studied Video Editing and Web Design at Stow College (briefly!)

1. Where was your favourite boozer as a student?
I didn't really have one pub that was my favourite (as I love all pubs) but I always ended up in Nice and Sleazy and still do these days. Looking back, I was in Wetherspoons far too often, due it being the cheapest and it being open earlier than any other pub, 11am if I remember correctly. I'm not fussy to be honest, if it's cheap I'm there.

2. What was your poison of choice?
I'll go for a pint of cider first and if I'm in a classy establishment I'll move onto the Buckfast. My poison hasn't changed and my pallet hasn't matured over the years.

3. Tell us about a particularly memorable drunken misadventure from those days...
I went to the cinema to see the remake of The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy on my own, 100% pished, and spewed in my popcorn at 1pm instead of going to class.

4. Proud of yourself now?
Reading back, I've not given a great impression of myself. I drink buckfast in Wetherspoons at 11am until going to the cinema on my own, then spew on confectionery in the afternoon. The answer is 'No, I'm not proud of myself.'

5. What advice would you give to your younger, freshman self?
Stay in school! You booze you lose! Don't join a band!


Scott Hutchison (Frightened Rabbit)  

Studied Visual Communication at Glasgow School of Art

1. Your favourite student boozer?
I was studying up at the Art School, so the (now retired) Vic Bar was a cheap and obvious choice.

2. Your poison of choice?
'Poison' is the right word, 'choice' is not. As Tennent's was usually little more than a pound in there, we'd all just go with that by default. It was quite a uniquely bad pint in that you could feel the hangover commencing before you had even left the bar.

3. Any memorable drunken misadventures to report?
I do recall the night/morning that some of us blasted a BBC sound effects album out of a window into the courtyard of the halls of residence. Ghosts, trains, frogs... Probably quite alarming at 4am.

4. Proud of yourself?
I'm welling up...

5. Any advice for your younger self?
I wouldn't bother with advice. The wee prick wouldn't listen to me anyway.


Rick Anthony (The Phantom Band)

Studied English with Film Studies at Aberdeen University

1. Your favourite student boozer?
The Aberdeen Uni Student's Union was good for getting drunk on about £4.50. Also it had about five bars and two nightclubs, so you could cram a whole night out into the one building. I worked there for a while too which meant you could get blind drunk and go home with more money than you left the house with. It went bankrupt a few years back which was a shame. The Mudd Club was a great night-out for after the pub. Sticky carpets, piss soaked walls and vodka shots for 50p. Mmmmm...

After a couple of years we started going to the old man boozers but whenever we found one we liked we'd go back the next week and find it had been turned into a chrome-clad winebar nightmare.  

2. Your poison of choice?
It was all about speed and ease of consumption. No-one drank for pleasure. I drank a lot of vodka in those days; cheap vodka was easier to drink than cheap whisky and the hangovers were more manageable. Also long vodkas. Remember them? Eech, shameful.

3. Any memorable drunken misadventures to report?
Starting a pie and doughnut riot at 3am outside the 24 hour bakery; stealing a guy in a wheelchair from a bus stop (I put him back so it's okay); getting into a fight because I told a guy he looked like Axl Rose. It's the adventures you can't remember that really haunt you though. I'm still trying to find 12 hours that were stolen from me by a skinful of 25p tequila shots...

4. Proud of yourself?

I don't know... probably not.

5. Any advice for your younger self?
Get a haircut – you look like an ugly girl. And stop being such a dick. Then I'd just punch myself in the face.