Politics to "kill" Eddie Izzard's career?

Feature by Cover Media | 16 Nov 2009
Eddie Izzard

Eddie Izzard thinks politics will “kill” his comedy career.

The British star plans to run for election with the Labour party in the next few years, even though he knows it will be the end of his stand-up career. He has been a professional comic for 22 years, but now aged 47, Eddie has finally realised some things are more important than comedy.

“I’ll have to kill my career for politics,” he said. “But sometimes, you just have to stand up and be counted. Because if you don’t do it - who will?”

Eddie decided his future probably lay in politics while he was shooting his documentary film Believe: The Eddie Izzard Story. In it, he opened up about his grief at the death of his mother when he was just five years old. Since the film, he has found it much easier to discuss his loss.

“Most of the memories I have are from the cine-film and photos,” he explained. “I’m trying to find them all. Last year, a Swedish family contacted us with footage of the entire family on holiday. It was amazing.”