Carrie Bradshaw to fall pregnant?

Feature by Cover Media | 11 Nov 2009
Sarah Jessica Parker

Sarah Jessica Parker's Sex and the City character falls pregnant in the new movie.

Sarah, who plays fashionista Carrie Bradshaw in the big screen adaptation, has been spotted sporting a baby bump on the set of the film, sparking speculation Carrie and her husband start a family. Splash News reports: "We don't want to start any rumours or spoil anything, but the pink frock that SJP is sporting could be hiding a little sumptin' sumptin'. Carrie doesn't usually sport such loose fitting wear. So could it be true? Is there a little one on the horizon?"

The new film's storylines are a closely guarded secret, with movie bosses keen to ensure fans are surprised when it hits cinemas next year.

Despite this, several plots have already been leaked. It has been claimed Carrie and her husband Big, who married in the last movie, will suffer financial difficulties. Big reportedly moves to London for a job, where he ends up having an affair.

Miranda Hobbs gives up her high-flying job as a lawyer after becoming disillusioned, while Charlotte York-Goldenblatt becomes convinced her husband Harry is seeing someone else.
It has also been claimed Samantha Jones fears her breast cancer has returned.