Amy Winehouse in nose job ban

Feature by Cover Media | 16 Nov 2009
Amy Winehouse

Amy Winehouse’s family have banned her from getting a nose job.

The 26-year-old singer had her breasts boosted from a 32B to a 32D earlier this year, and has now set her heart on improving her “witch-like” nose. Amy has battled an addiction to drugs, and her loved ones are concerned she is now becoming too fixated on altering her appearance.

“Since her boobs, she’s been scrutinising her body,” a source told Britain’s The Sun newspaper. “Everyone tells her there’s nothing wrong with her nose. But Amy does nothing by halves. Now she’s beaten drugs, plastic surgery must not become her next obsession.”

It was recently claimed Amy is considering having a second boob job to further improve her cleavage. She is said to love her new womanly shape, and is even contemplating having implants in her butt to improve her physique.

A source said: “Amy loves her breasts. She can’t stop touching them and showing them off to friends. She says she feels womanly again and wants to be curvier like she used to be. She thinks by having another operation and bum implants that she will achieve her dream pin-up look.”

Amy’s father Mitch Winehouse has revealed she decided to go under the knife after becoming unhappy with her deflated bust. He said years of drug abuse had taken its toll on her body, causing her to turn to surgeons for help.

Meanwhile, the singer spent last night at medical centre The London Clinic after experiencing problems with medication she took for a cold. “Amy took over-the-counter stuff for a cold but it didn’t agree with medication she takes for her on-going recovery,” a source told Britain’s Daily Mirror newspaper. “She felt rubbish. A doctor came to her house and advised her to go to hospital to make sure she was alright. She was due to stay the night.”