The Go! Team - Milk Crisis

Single Review by Jason Morton | 21 Jul 2008
The Go Team
Single title: Milk Crisis
Artist: The Go! Team
Label: Memphis Industries
Release date: 21 Jul

Milk Crisis is driving music, the relentless beat, electro-handclaps, squalling guitars and a stocatto horn riff that just won't quit. If you listened to this with a wide open road in front of you, you'd be cruising at 100 miles per hour and chain-smoking on some non-existent mission. You'd have Kaori Tsuchida's almost shouted calls - think CSS's Lovefoxxx filtered through distortion and responses from bandmate Ninja and the Double Dutch Divas egging you on too. While the Go! Team's schtick might be a bit disjointed for some, the energy of the band speaks volumes, and Milk Crisis is by no means short on that. This track's full throttle from start to finish. [Jason Morton]

Video: 'Milk Crisis'