Spinto Band - Direct to Helmet

Despite the Mystery Jets' best efforts, the royalty is all American and Delaware's Spinto Band are like dukes.

Single Review by Sean Michaels | 17 Mar 2006
Direct to Helmet
Single title: Direct to Helmet
Artist: Spinto Band
Label: Virgin
There's this weird new genre that the 21st Century has offered up, an indie rock that kicks up its heels with absurd choruses, that dances rosey-posey in a circle with Grandaddy, The Eels and Modest Mouse – but that is so much more light-footed than those bands. Despite the Mystery Jets' best efforts, the royalty is all American and Delaware's Spinto Band are like dukes. Direct to Helmet is no rival to their first single Oh Mandy, but what could be? Here there's no breathless downhill run, just kids bicycling through outer space, astronauts chomping on unambitious cheddar cheese, and smiling. [Sean Michaels] Direct to Helmet is out in March.