Seth Lakeman - The White Hare

Seth's husky tones lend an authenticity to White Hare

Single Review by Mike Duffy | 12 Nov 2006
The White Hare
Single title: The White Hare
Artist: Seth Lakeman
Label: Relentless
Seth Lakeman clearly has a fetish for mythical women: his first single spoke of an aquatic hussy, and this one tells of a hare that turns into a woman with long hair - you see how he makes that rhyme. Regardless, here is a sweet single which, like the rest of the tracks on 'Freedom Fields', revives an olde English folk tale. Seth's husky tones lend an authenticity to White Hare, though it would sound better if the production was more crusty old man pub and a little less trendy wine bar. [Mike Duffy] This single is out on October 23.