Popup - Lucy What Are You Trying to Say?

A brief glimpse of sunshine in this slightly shoddy Scottish summer

Single Review by Nick Mitchell | 14 Aug 2006
Popup - Lucy What Are You Trying to Say?
Single title: Lucy What Are You Trying to Say?
Artist: Popup
Label: Hijacked

Popup aren't too ashamed to wear their musical influences on their sleeve. Neither are they too proud to make light-hearted, energetic pop songs, as their name implies. The promising Glasgow four-piece have won over fans - including fellow Scottish-accented singer Malcolm Middleton - with their bright yet savvy snapshots of contemporary life. Set against a backing of frenetic Bloc Party-esque drumming and thrashing Coxon-styled acoustic guitar, debut single Lucy What Are You Trying to Say? will come as a brief glimpse of sunshine in this slightly shoddy Scottish summer. [Nick Mitchell]

This single is out now.