Otherpeople – Drink

Single Review by Austin Tasseltine | 08 Nov 2010
Single title: Drink
Artist: Otherpeople
Label: Self-released
Release date: 1 Nov

With recent live shows having demonstrated something of an arsenal of potential singles at their disposal its a wonder how Glasgow's Otherpeople even decided how to allocate A and B sides to this very evenly balanced single. As it stands lead tune Drink is a steadily accumulative celebration of disorientation which ironically betrays that this band have a very good idea of where they are heading and where their pop-orientated strengths lie. With lush, layered backing vocals eventually entering the fray it makes for a memorable and succinct, hummable introduction to a band with a lot more to say in the future. [Austin Tasseltine]


Supporting Wavves at The Arches, Glasgow on 8 Nov.