Needles - Dianne

This is exuberant pop from a band clearly in love with the Ramones' three-chord headlong rushes

Single Review by Iain Radcliffe | 15 Jul 2006
Needles - Dianne
Label: Dangerous Records

While Buddy Holly has been keenly used as a reference point, bespectacled Needles singer Dave Dixon owes more to look-alike Elvis Costello's sneering lasciviousness on this bubblegum punk declaration of passion. There is no attempt to break new ground here; this is exuberant pop from a band clearly in love with the Ramones' three-chord headlong rushes, with a spiky guitar sound pinched from Bloc Party to bring things bang up to date. (Iain Radcliffe)

This single is out now
The Needles play Hobo at The Bongo club, Edinburgh on June 11