Mystery Jets - Half in Love with Elizabeth

Single Review by Jason Morton | 20 Aug 2008
Mystery Jets
Single title: Half in Love with Elizabeth
Artist: Mystery Jets
Label: 679 Recordings
Release date: 25 Aug

Hearing the intro to this track for the first time, the question: 'Dear God, what have I done to deserve this?' rush through the mind. But seriously, it gets better after that, though the over-reliance on the stock and somewhat grating refrain of the song ("And he's half in love with Elizabeth/And he's half in love with you") could be done without. Mystery Jets seem to be a half-step ahead of their contemporary indie brethren here, with a sensible integration of synth and doo-da-doo gibberish accentuating the song as well as providing that catchy chorus. And though this single probably isn't going to blow anyone's mind, it holds together for a reasonably enjoyable listen. [Jason Morton]

Mystery Jets play QMU, Glasgow on 25 Oct