Men, Women and Children - Dance in My Blood

Men, Women and Children attempt to revive the bloated corpse of disco

Single Review by Jay Shukla | 15 Jul 2006
Dance in My Blood
Single title: Dance in My Blood
Artist: Men, Women and Children
Label: Reprise
What is that ungainly figure lumbering over the horizon? Oh, it's Men, Women and Children, and they've brought the bloated corpse of disco with them! Please excuse me if I refrain from rejoicing in the streets, it's just that I'd rather hoped we'd evolved past the need to churn out this kind of rancid bilge. It's all here: the crap bass line, the absurd vocals, the pathetic orchestral stabs. This is a depressing, charmless exercise in masturbatory cliché that has no point other than to make drunken idiots gyrate like beached fish. [Jay Shukla] This single is out now.