Little Man Tate - Sexy in Latin

Sexy in Latin is infectious indie pop in its own right, with a singalong quality and a humour so dry you can't help but smile.

Single Review by Julie Paterson | 10 Feb 2007
Sexy in Latin
Single title: Sexy in Latin
Artist: Little Man Tate
Label: V2
Comparisons with fellow Sheffield band the Arctic Monkeys are both pedestrian and inevitable for Little Man Tate, their observational lyrics filled with stories of booze and girls along the lines of 'you went to university / you lost your virginity'. Not to mention the Yorkshire drawl and token MySpace promotion. However, 'Sexy in Latin' is an infectious little indie pop dittie in its own right, with requisite singalong quality and a humour so dry you can't help but grin. Winning Zane Lowe's 'Fresh Meat' competition of 2006, perhaps Little Man Tate are jumping on a bandwagon, but regardless, it's one that's arguably going places. [Julie Paterson] Release Date: 22 Jan.