Kaiser Chiefs - Everything is Average Nowadays

The title is an obvious own goal.

Single Review by Gareth K Vile | 10 Jun 2007
Everything is Average Nowadays
Single title: Everything is Average Nowadays
Artist: Kaiser Chiefs
Label: Polydor
Of course, they are right. This song is a perfect example of modern mediocrity. The guitars rock away, searching for a hook but making do with overdrive pedals. The singer moans in a vague way without thinking too much - a bit of specific detail about the how or why of 'everything' would make some sort of trenchant point. There is a singalong chorus for the disco. The Kaiser Chiefs are competent, unimaginative and predictable. The lyrics are so opaque that they could be about anything - a dull night out, a failing relationship, the low turn out for local elections. Perhaps the reason that everything is average is that too many bands have absolutely nothing worth saying, or musical ideas worth repeating. [Gareth K Vile] Release Date: 21 May.