Dogs - This Stone is a Bullet

Ideal for moronic leaping around or macho posturing: a depressing canter through punk clichés.

Single Review by Margaret Kirk | 11 Apr 2007
This Stone is a Bullet
Single title: This Stone is a Bullet
Artist: Dogs
Label: Weekender
This Stone is a Bullet sounds exactly like the Jam, even down to Johnny Cook's vocal mannerisms and lyrics that are very angry and vaguely political. Towards the end they slip into a brief impersonation of the Clash (before they expanded their repertoire). Ideal for moronic leaping around or macho posturing, the song is never quite clear about who the stones are going to be thrown at - although the Young Conservatives are mentioned. This is a depressing canter through clichés that were probably out-dated before the boys were born. A top tip: punk is not a shorthand for passionate integrity, but a specific musical style that is now thirty years out of date. [Margaret Kirk] Release Date: Out now.