Archie Bronson Outfit - Cherry Lips

intensely well-worked portrayal of passionate unease

Single Review by R. J. Thomson | 13 Oct 2006
Cherry Lips
Single title: Cherry Lips
Artist: Archie Bronson Outfit
Label: Domino
One of the finest opening riffs to be heard for some time opens this raucous, catchy single from South London's Archie Bronson Outfit. Following this confident, jarring introduction the rest of the track continues in dramatic form: the clash between emotional bruising and swaggering desire, found in both the lyrics and the music, keeps the listener interested even through occasional patches of apparently aimless racket. Except that, with an acute pause and nifty acceleration back into THAT RIFF, everything seems to slot into place again, giving the final impression of Cherry Lips as an intensely well-worked portrayal of passionate unease. [R. J. Thomson] This single is out on October 9.