Enfant Bastard – Master Dude EP

Single Review by Jason Morton | 24 Sep 2010
Enfant Bastard – Master Dude EP
Single title: Master Dude
Artist: Enfant Bastard
Label: SL Records
Release date: 4 Oct

In some ways chiptune is like a Lamborghini Countach: fun, dizzying and nostalgic for 80s cool – but it's tough to think of either as a daily way to get around. However, one person getting in the driver's seat regularly is Enfant Bastard, an inimitable changeling of Auld Reekie’s lo-fi scene. While his motives for trading in an acoustic guitar and self-conscious lyrics for a souped-up Game Boy remain his own, Enfant Bastard still seems adept at creating interesting music with Master Dude. Sounding like the score to a deranged cartridge classic that time forgot, these seven tracks offer a fine taster of the genre and its cadre of Edinburgh adherents. So while you might not get behind the wheel of Dude every day, it still makes for a decent spin every now and again. [Jason Morton]


Playing Roxy Art House, Edinburgh with support from Wounded Knee, The Leg and Bit Face on 2 Oct