Cold War Kids - We Used To Vacation EP

Reminiscent of Starsailor both in subject and vocal style

Album Review by Milo McLaughlin | 12 Dec 2006
We Used To Vacation EP
Album title: We Used To Vacation EP
Artist: Cold War Kids
Label: V2
Cold War Kids have attracted some "blog buzz" at home in the US, where three of the band's four members first met at an evangelical Christian college. They don't take kindly to being described as Christian rock though, and musically are somewhat more sophisticated than that tag suggests. The EP's title track deals with an alcoholic who can't keep his promises to his family; it's reminiscent of Starsailor both in subject and vocal style. The remaining tracks prove an ability to write decent songs - but as their background is likely to put off as many people as it attracts, they may well end up preaching to the converted. [Milo McLaughlin] Release Date: 27 Nov.