Torture - Storm Alert

a thrash-tastic crossover album of Slayeristic geniality

Album Review by Chris Nordeng | 16 Apr 2006
Storm Alert
Album title: Storm Alert
Artist: Torture
Label: Escapi
It's time to spin the wheels of time backwards, to 1989 to be exact. Thrash, the genre that reigned the extreme field during the eighties, was going out of fashion in favour of gore-obsessed death metal which pretty much sent Torture's debut album 'Storm Alert' into the shelves of obscurity. The El Paso based band split up as a consequence and it would take fifteen years for the band to scrub the dust off their instruments. Relocated to the Bay area they dug up the masters of 'Storm Alert' for a global re-release. Sounds passé you might think? No way, there's a reason why 'Storm Alert' is considered a cult underground classic, a thrash-tastic crossover album of Slayeristic geniality that could be considered an essentiality in any heavy collection. Run and buy and reminded yourself of why the past was a blast. [Chris Nordeng] This album is released on March 27.