The Linda Lindas – Growing Up

It would take the most cynical among us to find The Linda Lindas' debut album Growing Up as anything but a good time

Album Review by Tony Inglis | 05 Apr 2022
The Linda Lindas - Growing Up
Album title: Growing Up
Artist: The Linda Lindas
Label: Epitaph
Release date: 8 Apr

In 2019, Greta Thunberg told a room of UN climate action delegates that they had stolen the childhoods and dreams of young people with their empty words. A recent New York Times opinion headline read ‘There Are Almost Too Many Things to Worry About’. I’m 30 and I feel utterly helpless to impact those worries, living by the whims of unseen powers. Imagine being the girls in The Linda Lindas, the youngest of which is 11, the eldest 17. On Oh!, the opener on their debut full-length Growing Up, the refrain goes: 'What can I do? What can I say? Nothing changes, it’s all the same'.

Bursting into public consciousness through a viral video from a performance at the LA Public Library of their brilliant Racist, Sexist Boy – included here, and retaining the same gut punch effect of their live version – they were quickly signed. Four talented youngsters from LA of Asian and Latinx descent, wearing their influences on their sleeves, have produced a light-of-foot album of fun riffs and effectively simple ideas. 

Channelling riot grrrl fury and the kind of catchy garage pop melodies the Pixies haven’t written since the 90s, it would take the hardest of hearts, the most cynical among us, to find this record, filled with their wants and fears, worries and wins, as anything but a joyous good time. Growing Up is an open window into their youthful outlook on modern life and everything they face going forward.

Listen to: Oh!, Growing Up, Remember