The Early Years - The Early Years

may just be the ideal contemporary soundtrack to your next comedown

Album Review by Milo McLaughlin | 13 Oct 2006
The Early Years
Album title: The Early Years
Artist: The Early Years
Label: Beggars Banquet
This self-titled debut from the Early Years is a heady mix of Spiritualized-esque space-rock and the post-rock of the likes of Explosions in the Sky, with a taste of My Bloody Valentine and Doves' spacious indie (especially on the languid ballad Song for Elizabeth). Whilst there is little new here, it does contain some transcendental moments, and may just be the ideal contemporary soundtrack to your next comedown. Lyrically and vocally this is so insubstantial it almost disintegrates before you can get a hold on it, and with track titles like High Times it's not difficult to make a guess about the band's recreational activities. In summary, you don't need to be completely off your tits to enjoy this album, but it might help. [Milo McLaughlin]
The Early Years' is out on September 25.