The Blood Brothers - Young Machetes

Bass shakes the hair of all privy to the sound

Album Review by Dave Kerr | 12 Mar 2007
Young Machetes
Album title: Young Machetes
Artist: The Blood Brothers
Label: Wichita

Fayeeerrr! Faaayerrrrr! Faaaaaayerrrrrrrr! A Seattleite tribe announce their frenzied intentions with the pulsating groove of lead radio dodger Set Fire To The Face On Fire, as bass shakes the hair of all privy to the sound. Sporadic bursts of drum demarcate the post-punk playing ground they occupy. Strangled vocals, bad-ass riffs and flailing arms ensue, reminiscent and nigh on as exciting as At The Drive-In in their all too brief heyday. With fierce assaults like We Ride Skeletal Lightning and Johnny Ripper sure to be tearing up speakers and rulebooks throughout the land, Blood Brothers appear increasingly wound up with each release and when the point comes for them to sit down and write that token old fart album in twenty years time, they'll probably still match the speed of Megadeth on crack. Playful, but not without its vitriol, Young Machetes proves with ease that Blood Brothers deal in hyperactive bombastic mischief. Try to keep up.

Release Date: Out now.