The Acid – Liminal

Album Review by George Sully | 26 May 2014
The Acid – Liminal
Album title: Liminal
Artist: The Acid
Label: Infectious Music
Release date: 2 Jun

Eleven kinds of loneliness, wrote Yates; here’s eleven tracks of it. Appropriately named threesome The Acid (Ry X, Steve Nalepa, and Adam Freeland) serve up their equally appropriately titled debut Liminal, and it’s a heck of a thing to figure out. Desolate post-dubstep, post-punk, post-just-about-everything, Liminal is a pallid, vaporous shape-shifter, phasing through genres with phantasmic disregard.

It’s not featureless, just fragmented; elements come into focus then evaporate, moments of harmony and euphony (Veda, Fame) compete with juddering bass interruptions (Creeper, Red) and unfulfilled drum fills (Animal). Then Ra and Basic Instinct come in with dour acoustic strumming and closely lulling vocals, trading electronica for guitar. And all surveilled by Ry’s itchy, dead-eyed vocal, soulful and ghostly like James Blake or SOHN.

But step back and there’s structure; for every dissonant buzz there’s a call-and-return, within tracks and across the record itself. Liminal is not always a comfortable listen, but it’s artfully, achingly composed. [George Sully]