Rozi Plain - Inside Over Here

Album Review by Milo McLaughlin | 02 Oct 2008
Rozi Plain - Inside Over Here
Album title: Inside Over Here
Artist: Rozi Plain
Label: Fence
Release date: 6 Oct

There is a problem when trying to review an album like this, which woos you with its easy charms, which stills your spirit with its banjos rippling like a bubbling stream. Rozi Plain's catherine wheel vocal harmonies set your mind a-wandering and you begin to recline into the sound of her voice and melodies like you would a warm bath surrounded by candles and shared with a lover. Plain, the latest signing to Fife's Fence Records, has made an album of such charm that there lies a problem in critiquing it effectively. Let me bathe in it, instead, let me reflect. Oh OK then, some facts: it was produced by a handful of folk including Fence brothers Kenny and Gordon Anderson, and a few friends from Bristol where she's from; and it's bloody good. There, now let me close my eyes and chill. [Milo McLaughlin]