Reverbaphon - Here Comes Everyone

Getting postmodern

Album Review by Ali Maloney | 07 Nov 2007
Here Comes Everyone
Album title: Here Comes Everyone
Artist: Reverbaphon
Label: Benbecula
Ah postmodernism, eh? So as soon as we music journalists make up a silly blanket-term / pigeon-hole genre, we need to start quantifying it and categorising according to instrumentation. So does any band that fuses electronica with acoustic instruments in a chilled out, pleasing way automatically become 'folktronica'? Maybe. Maybe that's what Reverbaphon see themselves as; maybe that sums them up neatly and completely. But I doubt it. Sure the melodies and atmosphere do have a neo-Celtic feel to them, and they are combined with glitchy squeals, electronic scrapes and digital swirls, but the whole concoction is far more than that, and more complex. Often it is difficult to distinguish which is which, as often the FX plays the role of the traditional while the acoustic instrumentation takes on the deceptive disguise of being an innovative laptop contrivance. Hell, why don't we get really postmodern and take this album as a philosophical question then: what is the modern and what is traditional? (Ali Maloney) Release Date: 16 Nov