Nothing Gained - Nascent

First impressions are of a female-fronted, less appealing Disturbed, which is a frankly ludicrous concept anyway: an oxymoron akin to ""a less hateable Mick Hucknall""

Album Review by Chris Cusack | 01 Apr 2008
Nothing Gained - Nascent
Album title: Nascent
Artist: Nothing Gained
Label: Rotting Inside

If you like Linkin Park, you'll love Nothing Gained reads the promotional leaflet. Let's be frank, if you like Linkin Park there are a few other unflattering assumptions one can probably draw. Likewise, if you love Nothing Gained you also probably have absolutely no concept of music outwith Kerrang!, and think that wearing pink and black striped tights is a sign of rebellion. First impressions are of a female-fronted, less appealing Disturbed, which is a frankly ludicrous concept anyway: an oxymoron akin to "a less hateable Mick Hucknall." But please, lets consider the fact that the world is infinitely rich in fantastic music and life is full of incredible experiences - both good and bad - all of which can be combined and channeled into an artform of staggering capacity to rouse the emotions, limited only by the musician's imagination. Then consider the fact that Nothing Gained decided it'd be easier to just start some bastard Evanescence covers band. [Chris Cusack]

Release Date: 24 Mar