Martha – Blisters In The Pit Of My Heart

Album Review by Katie Hawthorne | 22 Jun 2016
Martha – Blisters In The Pit Of My Heart
Album title: Blisters In The Pit Of My Heart
Artist: Martha
Label: Fortuna POP!
Release date: 8 Jul

Blisters In The Pit Of My Heart will be total marmite for many: chronically uncool, hearts are stitched to sleeves with glittery thread and although it's ostensibly a record about adult problems – offices, supermarkets and that – it feels as if it's been scribbled in a journal with a biro-stained hand, sat at the back of the bus.

Martha know that age-old anxieties don't fade once you have to start adulting, and race through pop-punk tropes and unabashedly intimate lyrics with unapologetic joy. There's a definite sense of deja vu, and maybe there's less of the bite that made the Durham band's debut Courting Strong feel so vital... but when the band kick into heavier tracks like Goldman's Detective Agency, it's free-wheeling, cathartic goodness.

Bottle up your scepticism and bop around your bedroom to loser anthem The Awkward Ones. Scrunch your toes to title track Blisters, which is a bonefide heartbreaker: "I was the dampest box of matches..." Eek. Stand-out track Do Nothing goes everywhere, melting into breakdowns and forging the fragments into emo's spikiest sentiments – a bittersweet cure-all for rainy summer days and irrational day-dreams.