Lost Under Heaven – Love Hates What You Become

With their sophomore record, LUH deliver consistently haunting instrumental melodies and deeply impassioned lyrics that serve as an opulent tonic to the cultural apathy they rebel against

Album Review by Hannah Clark | 16 Jan 2019
Lost Under Heaven – Love Hates What You Become
Album title: Love Hates What You Become
Artist: Lost Under Heaven
Label: Mute
Release date: 18 Jan

Love Hates What You Become, the new album from Lost Under Heaven (LUH) is an emotionally rich set of ten songs, each crafted with a vulnerability and elegance that speaks volumes of how far duo Ellery Roberts and Ebony Hoorn have come since their 2016 debut, Spiritual Songs for Lovers to Sing.

Unlike Spiritual Songs, written and recorded in Amsterdam, Love Hates was written predominantly in Roberts' hometown of Manchester, and then recorded in America with John Congleton (St. Vincent, Swans). Whether it's the change in place or merely the passage of time, Love Hates achieves a mature tone, complemented perfectly by Roberts' gruff vocals and Hoorn's velvety melodies. Arguably, it's Hoorn’s increased presence on the record that lends this new air of grace. Bunny's Blues sees Hoorn step confidently into the spotlight – fully supported and endorsed by Roberts – for a simmering rock number that pulls the listener in close, a caress and a slap rolled into one.

This oddly tender aggression is mirrored in Savage Messiah, a track that feels wrenched from the depths of Roberts and launched into the world with the same righteous dynamism that powered his days in WU LYF. LUH have always been respected by fans for their unflinching honesty about how they view the world around them and Love Hates retains that crucial element of their chemistry.

From the delicate The Breath of Light to the demanding For the Wild, an anthem to the pursuit of freedom and revolution, LUH deliver consistently haunting instrumental melodies and deeply impassioned lyrics that serve as an opulent tonic to the cultural apathy they rebel against.

Listen to: Come, The Breath of Light, Bunny's Blues