Isa and the Filthy Tounges - Addiction

Cumulative experience shines through on this pre-naturally assured record

Album Review by Duncan Forgan | 16 May 2006
Isa and the Filthy Tounges - Addiction
Album title: Addiction
Artist: Isa and the Filthy Tounges
Label: Circular

Let's face facts - its all been done before and Rock'n'Roll is unlikely to ever witness another Year Zero. The real test of a band's mettle these days is in how well they harness the past to drive their own particular musical vision. Rising Edinburgh stars Isa and the Filthy Tounges have certainly cherry picked their influences wisely on this their debut album; where strong hints of the Pixies and Patti Smith are fused with elements of rockabilly and ramalama punk-blues. Most of the band's members have been around the block before - three of them were in Goodbye Mr McKenzie - and their cumulative experience shines through in this prenaturally assured record, the pace of which never lets up - from the breathless, bass driven rush of opening instrumental Nae Tounges to the breezy surf-guitar resplendent closer, Ginger Beer. It all serves to show that you might not be able to beat your heroes but you can still make a fair stab at joining them. [Duncan Forgan]

Addiction is out on May 1.