Honey for Christ - The Darkest Pinnacle of Light

After a few more shows playing this stuff, Honey for Christ should be unstoppable

Album Review by Ali Maloney | 14 Aug 2006
The Darkest Pinnacle of Light
Album title: The Darkest Pinnacle of Light
Artist: Honey for Christ
Label: Rundown
Let's get down to brass tacks; this WILL make you bang your head.
Honey for Christ quantum leap from heavy genre to heavy sub-genre almost effortlessly. Mixing death, thrash, proto-nu-metal, crowd-swaying sing-along anthemic choruses, blastbeat growls, crunchy detuned riffs and intricate drum thumping. This variety is the band's greatest strength, but it often sounds like they are concentrating so much on getting all the elements right, that their true personality doesn't come across as fully as it could. This is particularly true of the singer, who moved his guitar closer to the mic after the previous vocalist left earlier this year. With an admirable range he has a powerful voice, but sometimes seems to be just keeping up with the material, rather than being wholly comfortable with it. Although this is a sure sign of a band trying to better themselves, after a few more shows of playing this stuff, Honey for Christ could prove unstoppable. [Ali Maloney] The Darkest Pinnacle of Light' is out on August 8.