Hamish Hawk – Angel Numbers

Hamish Hawk returns with Angel Numbers, an album of remarkable scope and vivid, romantic lyricism

Album Review by Max Sefton | 30 Jan 2023
Hamish Hawk - Angel Numbers
Album title: Angel Numbers
Artist: Hamish Hawk
Label: Post Electric
Release date: 3 Feb

In the press release for Hamish Hawk’s new record, Angel Numbers are described as "a series of recurring numerical patterns or sequences which those who believe in such things invest with cosmic significance."

Like its predecessor, 2021’s Heavy ElevatorThe Skinny’s Scottish Album of the Year 2021, lest you forget – this is a record with a remarkable scope. Hawk’s lyrics are still vivid and romantic; brooding, teasing and taunting as his narrators’ gaze shifts from Berlin rooftops to Scottish seaside towns. In its search for cosmic patterns, there are visits from all manner of characters from Napoleon to Karen Carpenter.

His biography throws out references to Biggie Smalls, Bob Dylan and David Berman and while the former may be hard to find, fans of the latter will find much to love in these knotty, wordy tales. It’s a real joy luxuriating in the singer’s love of words. The pleasure is not just in the lyrics however. From the stately arrangement and handclap percussion of Once Upon An Acid Glance to the interplay of piano and muscular rock guitars that underpin Hawk’s soaring vocals on Think of Us Kissing, it’s sonically impressive too.

On Elvis Lookalike Shadows, Hawk summons a sound somewhere between The Smiths and Idlewild to channel the King’s late career comeback shows, all delivered in his rich, rewarding baritone. If anything this might be the most consistent record of Hawk’s career: Angel Numbers and Money are sure to be big gig singalongs for an artist who is just getting used to audiences singing right back to him. Delve into his cosmic debris now.

Listen to: Money, Think of Us Kissing