Haight-Ashbury – Haight-Ashbury 2: The Ashburys

Album Review by Chris McCall | 30 Mar 2012
Haight-Ashbury - Haight-Ashbury 2: The Ashburys
Album title: Haight-Ashbury 2: The Ashburys
Artist: Haight-Ashbury
Label: Lime Records
Release date: 2 Apr

There is absolutely nothing in Haight-Ashbury's second album to suggest they are a three-piece from Glasgow that make music in 2012. This is a band that unashamedly ape that most overly mythologised era of popular music; the supposed summer of love of 1967. It's reflected in their name and in every minute of every song of this record. It would be easy to mock them if they didn't do it all so well.

The two-part girl harmonies float on a heavy sea of sitar and Telecaster and stick long in the memory. Even the put-on American accents don't spoil their haunting quality. Songs like Masstricht (a treaty) and Buffalo Trace turn unexpected corners and frequently surprise. The production is rich and markedly more dense than that on their debut album. The principle downside is The Ashburys often sounds like a record you were brought up listening to. It all seems a bit familiar. But you can't help but want to listen to it again and again.