Elvis Perkins In Dearland - Elvis Perkins in Dearland

Album Review by Wilbur Kane | 31 Mar 2009
Elvis Perkins In Dearland
Album title: Elvis Perkins In Dearland
Artist: Elvis Perkins In Dearland
Label: XL
Release date: 6 April

After the often difficult listen that was Ash Wednesday, a to-the-bone study of the trauma of grief, it is heartening to see that musically and lyrically, and (hopefully) emotionally, Elvis Perkins has made real progress. Settled in his surroundings with the talented In Dearland, there are a vast array of classic folk, big band and rock 'n’ roll stylings here, mostly quite accessible in the sense that they add optimism to the serious issues Perkins addresses. Some are even uplifting, including the ominously titled Doomsday, with Perkins as the leader of a band marching into battle, trumpets blaring, facing down Death and basically telling him to lighten up. The brooding harmonicas and humming keyboards of opener Shampoo highlights Perkins' penchant for an obscure yet intricate lyric. "You are worth your weight in gold/ you are worth your weight in sorrow/though you'll never know why". Somehow, in the context of this album, it makes a lot of sense.