Darren Hayman – Chants for Socialists

Album Review by Gary Kaill | 27 Jan 2015
Darren Hayman – Chants for Socialists
Album title: Chants for Socialists
Artist: Darren Hayman
Label: wiaiwya
Release date: 2 Feb

London Grammar and First Aid Kit can rest easy: certainly, their dubious status as David Cameron's favourite bands is unlikely to be challenged by Darren Hayman on this showing. The ex-Hefner leader has spent over a decade furthering a unique and unwavering vision, and what better way to signal the current precarious state of the nation than with a reimagining of William Morris's Chants for Socialists?

In an age where political protest is reduced to smug hectoring and convenient self-advancement, Hayman's take on Morris's late 19th century works is modest but true. The arrangements are as impeccable as the intent and nowhere is this selfless enterprise (pay what you can afford for the download) better summarised than on a stirring The Day is Coming: “I tell you this for a wonder, that no man then shall be glad / Of his fellow's fall and mishap to snatch at the work he had.” Which side are you on, boys? [Gary Kaill]