Christian Löffler – A Forest

Album Review by Sam Wiseman | 07 Jun 2012
Christian Loffler - A Forest
Album title: A Forest
Artist: Christian Löffler
Label: Ki Records
Release date: 18 Jun

As the co-founder of Cologne’s Ki Records, Christian Löffler is well-versed in melodic, downbeat techno, and A Forest has a depth and subtlety which speaks of his ability to process a range of influences into an entrancingly atmospheric whole. Over twelve tracks, a richly-layered yet spacious tapestry gradually unfurls, underpinning warm, organic samples with gentle, delayed synth washes; the chord progressions recall John Tejada’s more melancholy tracks, mingled with the percussive textures of Dinky or Four Tet.

Although the 4/4 kick predominates rhythmically, it remains unobtrusive, lying low in the mix beneath the gorgeous melodies. Vocal contributions from Mohna, Gry and Marcus Roloff ensure that A Forest never feels meandering: Löffler understands how to stay on the right side of the fine line between hypnotic, dreamlike atmospheres and washed-out vagueness. As a result, the LP succeeds in maintaining a distinctive sound while also generating a sense of progression.

Out 18 Jun