Billy Talent - II

A collection of slick melodies that have been few and far between in this genre of late

Album Review by Finbarr Bermingham | 14 Aug 2006
Album title: II
Artist: Billy Talent
Label: Atlantic
Bryan Adams, Nickleback… and now you can add Billy Talent to the list of Canadians that are hell bent on proving it's not the home of 'cool' music. But whilst industry darlings like Broken Social Scene and Wolf Parade are out roaming the back of beyond looking for unchartered instruments they can pluck and blow, this Toronto outfit are happy churning out spiky little pop punk tunes that are big on quirky riffs and shouty choruses. The opening Mars Volta-esque yelp quickly cedes to a collection of slick melodies that have been few and far between in this genre of late. Easy on the ears without ever falling into the suicidal 'sincerity trap' patented by the likes of FFAF, highlights like Surrender are highly listenable. Sure, they won't have The Arcade Fire hiding behind their pitch pipes, but head and shoulders above their rivals. [Finbarr Bermingham] II' is out now on Atlantic
Billy Talent play King Tut's, Glasgow on July 5th.