Alexisonfire - Crisis

the recipe is complete for a total disaster that makes me want to lock myself up and listen to Napalm Death for a month straight while mumbeling ""it was better back in the day""

Album Review by Chris Nordeng | 13 Sep 2006
Album title: Crisis
Artist: Alexisonfire
Label: Hassle
Having sold around 30,000 copies of their two previous EPs in the U.K. alone, this is apparently what goes down with the kids these days. Call me old fashioned but metal used to be about extremes, rebelliousness and taking a stand against the pop scene. These Canadians are doing the exact opposite but still have the stomach to call it 'metal'. We've witnessed this before, watered down nu-metal stomp with added feeble attempts to be a bit melodic, produced in a meek manner so as not to offend anyone. Bring in two vocalists, one angry and one nice. 'Angry' is doing some growling but sounds like a crow while 'Nice' sounds like McFly karaoke. Add some tunes that are conforming, inoffensive and called things like Boiled Frogs and the recipe is complete for a total disaster that makes me want to lock myself up and listen to Napalm Death for a month straight while mumbling "it was better back in the day." [Chris Nordeng] Crisis' is out on August 21.