A Muso's Top 10: Head Automatica

"The jams are blowing my mind!"

Feature by Dave Kerr | 15 Jun 2006
Head Automatica

Head Automatica were once two, consisting of one Daryl Palumbo and Dan "The Automator" Nakamura. But not no more. Now they're a fully fleshed out disco-rock quintet who go some distance to bridging that great divide between emo kids and err.. adults. And as keys man Jessie Nelson informed us not so long ago whilst putting the finishing touches to their forthcoming sophomore release effort Popaganda; "The jams are blowing my mind, we can't wait for you all to hear them. But here's a sample of what we've been listening to in between the mixes to give you a feel of what we're being influenced by at this moment..."

1. Mike & The Mechanics - Silent Running
2. To Separate The Flesh From The Bones - Cold Cuts
3. Ravenous - Assembled In Blasphemy
4. Portishead - Numb
5. Cathedral - Carnival Bizzare
6. Entombed - Wolverine Blues
7. Elvis Costello - You Bowed Down
8. Steve Winwood - I'm A Man
9. Rondo Brothers - Take Me Back To The Island
10. Cassius - 1999

Popaganda is released through Warner on June 5.