Soma Records announce free Soma Skool in Glasgow

The label team up with SWG3 and a pair of electronic music learning hubs for a free chance to learn about the industry

Article by The Skinny | 01 Feb 2018
Happy Meals live at Teviot, Edinburgh

Want to learn more about the world of electronic music, but don't really know where to get started? Seminal Glasgow-based label Soma Records are here to help – they've teamed up with Shoogle Studios and SKapade Studios to revive their free Soma Skool. Back after a nine-year hiatus, the Skool is an educational multi-platform look at the full span of the industry for anyone over the age of 16. The day-long event is impressively comprehensive, with discussions and workshops on everything from music production and DJing to journalism, light and sound engineering and events management.

The line-up of speakers and demonstrators is an impressive who's who of Scotland's electronic music scene, with techno super-duo Surgeon and Regis (aka British Murder Boys), Apeiron Crew DJ Emma 'Solid' Blake, Auntie Flo, Happy Meals, Optimo's Johnnie Wilkes and Soma co-founders Slam all involved. There are also contributions from BBC Scotland's Vic Galloway, the LuckyMe and Numbers labels, ace Glasgow record and equipment emporium Rubadub, and software pioneers Ableton. The Skinny are also pleased to be involved; catch our Clubs editor Claire Francis in a discussion on electronic music and the media.

Basically, if you've ever shown any kind of interest in a career in the music world, this will be a good place to get inspired, informed and energised. Soma Skool is free, but places are limited, and takes place on 31 Mar from 12-4.30pm at SWG3 in Glasgow – sign up for tickets via ResidentAdvisor.