Slime City to release Glasgow is a Shitehole

Available to buy for one evening only, art-rock trio Slime City's new single will only be available to people with a Glasgow postcode

Feature by Tallah Brash | 22 Oct 2019
Slime City

We recently received an email from Last Night from Glasgow founder Ian Smith, telling us of an exciting new limited release coming up from Glasgow-based band of Michaels, Slime City. Yes, all three members of the band are called Michael; you may even remember them as three quarters of We Are the Physics. Anyway, if you’ve been fortunate enough to have seen them play live, then you’ll know just how hilarious they are. They’re one of those rare bands that manage to be effortlessly funny while at the same time delivering perfect indie-rock/pop songs you can lose yourself in, and sometimes they even do it while playing a musical shoe.

They're not to be written off as a comedy band though, with tracks like Less Jools More Top of the Pops acting as a tongue-in-cheek dig at how much the music industry has changed over the years, and Dial-Up Internet Is the Purest Internet tackling today’s obsession with always being connected to the internet. With other singles like You and Everybody That You Love Will One Day Die and Male Pattern Baldness, Slime City's cutting honesty continues with their next single – the wonderfully-titled Glasgow is a Shitehole. It’s going to be available for a limited time only, and solely to those with a Glasgow postcode.

Glasgow is a Shitehole will be available to buy on flexi disc via Last Night from Glasgow on 29 November, and there will be two ways to buy the single: at Slime City's gig on the same night at The Blue Arrow in Glasgow, or via the Last Night from Glasgow online shop, but only between the hours of 6pm and 11.59pm, and to buy it you must have a Glasgow postcode.

When we asked Smith from LNFG how the partnership came about, he told us:

“In essence, I think the story is:

Slime City: ‘Ian, we’re releasing a song called Glasgow is a Shitehole, how should we release it?’

LNFG: ‘Well, formats don’t come much shiter than flexi.’

Slime City: ‘That sounds good, but could we make it more difficult for everyone?’

LNFG: ‘Yes, we can we can make it only available on the night of the gig.’ 

Slime City: ‘Can we block non-Glasgwegians from buying it?’

 LNFG: ‘Yes we can!’”

Slime City’s singer and bassist Michael M tells us: “The single will only be sold physically FOR ONE NIGHT ONLY (free download with purchase, for cyber bastards) in flexi disc format with a free copy of a Smash Hits Slime City special zine, available exclusively at the launch gig. The song will not be posted to streaming sites, and will not be featured on any upcoming releases. For anyone who can't, or won't, make it to the gig, the physical copies will be available online during the gig – the 29 November only – and will ONLY BE POSTED OUT to Glasgow postcodes.”

He continues: “Why is this so exclusively Glasgow? Because it's called Glasgow is a Shitehole, and anyone who has ever lived in Glasgow knows that sort of negativity makes sense, but it's a critical observation reserved for them alone. This song's for Glasgow. Glasgow is a shitehole, but it's our shitehole.

“While Glasgow is a Shitehole is a tongue-in-cheek anthem for the endearing self-loathing of the city, it was also written as a reaction to the popularly touted discourse that Glasgow is in some way an inclusive, left-leaning safe-haven when anyone (including ourselves) who was born here and lived here all of their lives knows it's a city still steeped in council-sanctioned sectarianism, often left to purposely rot in favour of the slow creeping death of corporate-funded gentrification.

“People always go on about Glasgow's amazing architecture, and it truly is a beautiful city, as long as you keep looking up at the breathtaking buildings and not down at the Tescos and banks that occupy them.

“For anyone who was born in Glasgow, or who grew up in Glasgow, or anyone who has ever lived in Glasgow, this tongue-in-cheek negativity makes sense, but it's a critical observation reserved for them. We are enormously proud to come from Glasgow, but if you're not from there, or have never lived there, this song is not for you. Glasgow is a shitehole and, if people make Glasgow, then it's 100% our shitehole. And that's why the song doesn't exist outside of the city. We don't play it anywhere else. We love Glasgow and all of the issues raised aren't irredeemable – we can change it, and we should change it, but first we have to stop buying into its postcard ideals. This is a positive, optimistic song, wrapped in a humorous veneer of negativity, so it basically is Glasgow... in a three-minute pop tune that Capital Radio won't play.

“This is our daft song, for our daft city," he concludes, "and we're using it to give back to our city in the only way we can think of (given the fact we're musicians and the most money we ever see is when someone accidentally drops a pound coin at a gig and we find it when we're cleaning up afterwards). All profits from the single sales will be split between Glasgow-based charities and, after the single launch, the remaining physical flexi discs will only be available at Starter Packs Glasgow in exchange for a donation. And if you don't want the single – we don't blame you – just make a donation anyway.”

If you live in a Glasgow postcode and are a fan of Slime City, or even if you're not, we guess now is as good a time as any to set a reminder for getting your hands on that shite flexi disc of theirs on 29 November. Or better still, you could head along to the gig and get yourself a copy on the night. Postcode dependent.

Slime City release Glasgow is a Shitehole on 29 Nov via Last Night from Glasgow
Slime City release the single at The Blue Arrow, Glasgow, 29 Nov; Slime City also play the following gigs: Leith Depot, Edinburgh, 24 Oct; Conroy's Basement, Dundee, 26 Oct; Òran Mór, Glasgow, 3 Nov