Porches @ Mono, Glasgow, 14 Apr

Porches bring a depth to their performance tonight, which does more than justice to their much-loved songs

Review by Nadia Younes | 16 Apr 2018
Porches live at The Hug and Pint, Glasgow

With the sun setting on a rare pleasant Scottish spring evening behind them, LYLO bring the sunshine back inside with a bright and lively support set. Dressed in a Freddie Mercury-esque white vest and beige trouser combo, with the moves to match, frontman Mitch Flynn is just as much of a showman, and the band’s infectiously catchy, funk-tinged songs prove them to be a well-placed support act for the evening’s headliner.

Despite the intimate nature of Porches’ music, the songs are lifted live. The Italo disco and house elements that are prevalent on latest album The House come through more prominently on the likes of Find Me and Anymore, the latter of which features some pretty heavy cowbell action. A minor technical issue with bassist/synth player Maya Laner’s keys during the performance of Find Me causes the band to stop just a few seconds in, but it works in their favour because when they restart the track the crowd are even more ready for it than they were the first time around.

On softer tracks Country and By My Side, frontman Aaron Maine breathes emotion into every word. His appreciation for and connection with the audience doesn’t go unnoticed either. Maine repeatedly blows kisses to the crowd, waving at us and thanking us “so much” for being here; all the while making direct, intense eye contact with chosen audience members, like he is seeing right through into their souls.

However, the setlist is not limited to tracks from the new album. Porches also play through a decent amount of tracks from 2016’s Pool, with highlights including Car, Be Apart and Glow, ending their set on that album’s opener Underwater, before returning for a two-track encore. There’s a depth to Porches’ performance tonight that only few bands can pull off and, minor technical issues aside, they do more than justice to their much-loved songs.